How To Create A Responsive HTML Sitemap Page In Blogger
Today we are going to learn how to create a responsive HTML sitemap page in blogger. If your blog contains a static HTML sitemap page then this will improve the user experience too. You may have noticed that blogger has a default XML sitemap. Sitemap is a major part of SEO. This is used by the crawler to crawl and index your site perfectly. Almost every blog use XML sitemap to make their site more SEO friendly. But in this article, we are talking about HTML sitemap of blogger. Not about the XML sitemap. HTML sitemap basically helps a user to understand your blog easily.
I have already told you that blogger generates a default XML sitemap for your blog. So you don’t have to be worry about that. But you have to create the HTML sitemap page for your user by your own. You may have seen that many blogs have a page named sitemap. Where you will find all of the blog posts are listed on labels. This page helps users understand your blog at a glance.
Even if any user needs to find any topic he could search there. As all of your posts will be listed there so a user will find his desire one very easily. In this way, an HTML sitemap page improves user experience. Many people say that this HTML sitemap page also improves your website’s overall SEO. So without wasting time let’s have a look how to create this important page for your blogger blog.
Create A Responsive HTML Sitemap Page In Blogger:
Like some other important page such as “About”, ”Contact”, ”Privacy”, this is also a page you have to create. If you are using any contact page in your blogger blog then this is pretty similar to that process. For adding HTML sitemap page, simply you have to create a page and add the sitemap code to that page. Here is the step by step process with the screenshot.
Step 1: Sign into your blogger account and go to the “Overview”. From the left menu, click on the “Pages” section. Now click on the “New page” button as shown below.

Step 2: Here you will see the page you are going to create and publish. In the page title box, put “Sitemap” because this is the name of your page.

Step 3: By default, the page is in compose mode. But we have to paste the sitemap code in the HTML mode. So click on the “HTML” mode as shown below.

Sitemap Code:
<div id="toc">
<script type='text/javascript'>
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('2 3=F H();2 u=F H();2 w=F H();2 q=F H();2 6=F H();2 y=F H();2 7="L";2 17=1s;2 27=2P;2 E="";2 1a=0;r 1Q(a){r b(){4("A"1H a.1i){2 d=a.1i.A.v;1a=d;D=0;B(2 h=0;h<d;h++){2 n=a.1i.A[h];2 e=n.O.$t;2 m=n.23.$t.1x(0,10);2 j;B(2 g=0;g<n.M.v;g++){4(n.M[g].18=="2c"){j=n.M[g].s;U}}2 o="";B(2 g=0;g<n.M.v;g++){4(n.M[g].18=="1Z"){o=n.M[g].s;U}}2 c="";4("16"1H n){B(2 g=0;g<n.16.v;g++){c=n.16[g].28;2 f=c.1v(";");4(f!=-1){c=c.1x(0,f)}6[D]=c;3[D]=e;q[D]=m;u[D]=j;w[D]=o;4(h<10){y[D]=13}I{y[D]=1s}D=D+1}}}}}b();7="L";P(7);19();17=13;1r();9.x()}r 1O(a){1F(0,0);E=a;K(E)}r 1n(){19();E="";K(E)}r P(d){r c(e,g){2 f=3[e];3[e]=3[g];3[g]=f;2 f=q[e];q[e]=q[g];q[g]=f;2 f=u[e];u[e]=u[g];u[g]=f;2 f=6[e];6[e]=6[g];6[g]=f;2 f=w[e];w[e]=w[g];w[g]=f;2 f=y[e];y[e]=y[g];y[g]=f}B(2 b=0;b<3.v-1;b++){B(2 a=b+1;a<3.v;a++){4(d=="L"){4(3[b]>3[a]){c(b,a)}}4(d=="15"){4(3[b]<3[a]){c(b,a)}}4(d=="1g"){4(q[b]>q[a]){c(b,a)}}4(d=="R"){4(q[b]<q[a]){c(b,a)}}4(d=="1w"){4(6[b]>6[a]){c(b,a)}}}}}r 19(){7="1w";P(7);2 a=0;2 b=0;S(b<3.v){J=6[b];T=a;1p{a=a+1}S(6[a]==J);b=a;1j(T,a);4(b>3.v){U}}}r 1j(d,c){r e(f,h){2 g=3[f];3[f]=3[h];3[h]=g;2 g=q[f];q[f]=q[h];q[h]=g;2 g=u[f];u[f]=u[h];u[h]=g;2 g=6[f];6[f]=6[h];6[h]=g;2 g=w[f];w[f]=w[h];w[h]=g;2 g=y[f];y[f]=y[h];y[h]=g}B(2 b=d;b<c-1;b++){B(2 a=b+1;a<c;a++){4(3[b]>3[a]){e(b,a)}}}}r K(a){2 l=0;2 h="";2 e="25 Z";2 m="11 12 2p 2s 2A";2 d="2L";2 k="11 12 1I 1J 1K";2 c="1L";2 j="";4(7=="L"){m+=" (1N)";k+=" (14 V)"}4(7=="15"){m+=" (1l)";k+=" (14 V)"}4(7=="1g"){m+=" (1l)";k+=" (14 V)"}4(7=="R"){m+=" (1l)";k+=" (1S V)"}4(E!=""){j="11 12 1Y 31"}h+="<1t>";h+="<N>";h+=\'<5 8="i-W-1b">\';h+=\'<a s="1c:1o();" O="\'+m+\'">\'+e+"</a>";h+="</5>";h+=\'<5 8="i-W-1d">\';h+=\'<a s="1c:1q();" O="\'+k+\'">\'+d+"</a>";h+="</5>";h+=\'<5 8="i-W-1e">\';h+=\'<a s="1c:1n();" O="\'+j+\'">\'+c+"</a>";h+="</5>";h+=\'<5 8="i-W-1f">\';h+="X 1M";h+="</5>";h+="</N>";B(2 g=0;g<3.v;g++){4(a==""){h+=\'<N><5 8="i-A-1b"><a s="\'+u[g]+\'">\'+3[g]+\'</a></5><5 8="i-A-1d">\'+q[g]+\'</5><5 8="i-A-1e">\'+6[g]+\'</5><5 8="i-A-1f"><a s="\'+w[g]+\'">X</a></5></N>\';l++}I{z=6[g].1v(a);4(z!=-1){h+=\'<N><5 8="i-A-1b"><a s="\'+u[g]+\'">\'+3[g]+\'</a></5><5 8="i-A-1d">\'+q[g]+\'</5><5 8="i-A-1e">\'+6[g]+\'</5><5 8="i-A-1f"><a s="\'+w[g]+\'">X</a></5></N>\';l++}}}h+="</1t>";4(l==3.v){2 f=\'<C 8="i-1u">1h 1R \'+3.v+" Z<G/></C>"}I{2 f=\'<C 8="i-1u">1h \'+l+" 1T 1U 1V \'";f+=E+"\' 1W "+3.v+" 1X Z<G/></C>"}2 b=9.Y("i");b.1k=f+h}r 1r(){2 a=0;2 b=0;S(b<3.v){J=6[b];9.x("<p/>");9.x(\'<C 8="20"><a s="/21/22/\'+J+\'">\'+J+"</a></C><1y 8=\'24\'>");T=a;1p{9.x("<1z>");9.x(\'<a s="\'+u[a]+\'">\'+3[a]+"</a>");4(y[a]==13){9.x(\' - <C 8="F">26!</C>\')}9.x("</1z>");a=a+1}S(6[a]==J);b=a;9.x("</1y>");1j(T,a);4(b>3.v){U}}}r 1o(){4(7=="L"){7="15"}I{7="L"}P(7);K(E)}r 1q(){4(7=="R"){7="1g"}I{7="R"}P(7);K(E)}r 1A(){4(17){K(E);2 a=9.Y("1B")}I{29("2a 2b... 1C 2d 2e")}}r 2f(){2 a=9.Y("i");a.1k="";2 b=9.Y("1B");b.1k=\'<a s="#" 2g="1F(0,0); 1A(); 2h.2i(\\\'i-2j\\\',\\\'2k\\\');">?? 1h 2l 2m</a> <2n 2o="1D://2q.2r.1E/2t.2u"/>\'}r 2v(){B(2 a=0;a<1a;a++){9.x("<G>");9.x(\'2w 2x : <a s="\'+u[a]+\'">\'+3[a]+"</a><G>");9.x(\'X 2y : <a s="\'+w[a]+\'">\'+3[a]+"</a><G>");9.x("<G>")}};9.x("<C 2z=\'Q-2B:2C;2D:2E;Q-2F:2G;2H:2I 2J 0 0;\'><a O=\'2K 1C 1G 2M 2N - 2O 1G 1m.2Q.2R\' s=\'1D://1m.2S-2T.1E\' 2U=\'2V\' 18=\'2W\'><Q 2X=\'#2Y\'>2Z 30 1P!</Q></a></C>");',62,188,'||var|postTitle|if|td|postLabels|sortBy|class|document|||||||||toc||||||||postDate|function|href||postUrl|length|postMp3|write|postBaru||entry|for|span|ii|postFilter|new|br|Array|else|temp1|displayToc|titleasc|link|tr|title|sortPosts|font|datenewest|while|firsti|break|first|header|Download|getElementById|Artikel||Klik|untuk|true|newest|titledesc|category|tocLoaded|rel|sortlabel|numberfeed|col1|javascript|col2|col3|col4|dateoldest|Menampilkan|feed|sortPosts2|innerHTML|ascending|www|allPosts|toggleTitleSort|do|toggleDateSort|displayToc2|false|table|note|lastIndexOf|orderlabel|substring|ol|li|showToc|toclink|TOC|http|com|scroll|by|in|Sortir|bedasarkan|tanggal|Kategori|MP3|descending|filterPosts|widget|loadtoc|Semua|oldest|artikel|dengan|kategori|dari|Total|menampilkan|enclosure|labl|search|label|published|postname|Judul|New|numChars|term|alert|Just|wait|alternate|is|loading|hideToc|onclick|Effect|toggle|result|blind|Daftar|Isi|img|src|sortir|radiorodja|googlepages|berdasarkan|new_1|gif|looptemp2|Post|Link|mp3|style|judul|size|0px|float|right|family|arial|margin|20px|5px|Blogger|Tanggal|Abu|Farhan|Style|250|intert3chmedia|net|abu|farhan|target|_blank|nofollow|color|ff5f00|Grab|this|semua'.split('|'),0,{}))
<script src="">
Note: Replace the highlighted with your blog’s URL.
Step 4: Now copy the Sitemap Code from above and paste it into the page. This is a JavaScript code which should be added to the sitemap page in the HTML mode.

Step 5: After pasting the sitemap code into your sitemap page and replacing the mentioned URL with your blog address, publish the page from the top right corner as shown below.

View your newly created sitemap page and you will see it is working perfectly. Now it is time to design this HTML sitemap to make it more beautiful. So let’s add the CSS.
Adding CSS of The HTML Sitemap Page:
/* Sitemap ----------------------------------------------- */ #toc{margin:5px auto;width:100%;} .labl{background: url( repeat-x;margin:0 -5px;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;font-size:18px;font-weight:bold;padding:2px 0 2px 0;border:1px solid #2D96DF;border-radius:2px;display:block;} .labl a{color:#fff;} .labl:first-letter{text-transform:uppercase;} .new{color:#FF5F00;font-style:italic;font-weight:bold;} .postname{font-weight:normal;} .postname li{margin-right:5px;border-bottom: #ddd 1px dotted;}
For adding CSS of this sitemap, go to the blogger dashboard. Click on the “Template” section > “Edit HTML”. Now find the code “]]></b:skin>”. Copy the CSS code from above and paste it right before the line “]]></b:skin>”.

Click on the “Save Template” button. You are done. Go to your sitemap page, refresh the page and see its working or not.
How To Create A Responsive HTML Sitemap Page In Blogger
Reviewed by Ankit Sharma

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